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The Future of Vendor/Customer Tracking

 While keeping your security in mind, we give you the control to govern who can subscribe to you and see your compliance progress. To ensure overall compliance is being met, you can add anyone to your compliance profile to ensure cyber posture is being held across the board.

This means you are being informed of:

  • How well vendors and customers are maintaining cyber hygiene.

  • Where safe business decisions are being made.

  • What areas in your organization and supply chain should be further governed.


Your Subscribers, All Organized In One Dashboard

Your subscriber’s dashboard allows you to manage, and monitor your list of subscribers, and their audit trail of compliance. This includes what framework they are utilizing, when it was last updated, and what their CompliCyber Score is in relation to that framework. With our goal of optimizing your compliance performance, we have also provided you with a control specific reasoning behind controls that have been negatively impacting their score.

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Use Case

  • Franchises

    You are a franchise, and you want each location to comply with your corporate standard

  • Cyber-Consultants

    You are a cybersecurity consultant, and you want to interact with your clients

  • Third-Party Tracking

    You want to make sure that third parties or suppliers that work for your company conform to cybersecurity standards that you are the author of