Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do I get started?

A: CompliCyber is a compliance management tool that allows the user to understand where their company stands in reference to being compliant.
- Every CompliCyber subscription begins with a free trial.
- When starting up, you will enter the dashboard.
- You can add users to build your team and split up work.
- Add frameworks that your company will be following.
- Produce reports.

The first thing you will do is go to Manage on the left-hand menu and click. This will bring you to the manage page where you will begin to answer the control questions and start your journey to well-structured compliance, wherever you may need it.

Q: How do I create a custom framework?

A: CompliCyber gives the ability to create a custom framework based off of NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). To create a custom framework:
- Click Frameworks on left-hand menu then click Custom
- Click “New” on right-hand side of page
- A popup window appears for information about the framework you will be creating (all fields are required and follow logo size)
- Click “Create” when finished entering all required information
- At this point you will see all custom frameworks under Framework Editor.

To add controls to a custom framework:
- Click “Manage” button
- Click “Framework Items” tab at the top of page.
- Click “Import Question(s)” button
- Select the questions you would like to import or select the box next to questions to select all.
- Click “Add” when done selecting.
Now that you have created a custom framework and imported the controls, now you can edit each control to fit your specific company needs. The item identifier, recurrence, and control description can be changed. CompliCyber recommends keeping the meaning of each question similar when changing due to the fact that these questions map to other frameworks you may have installed. Making changes in this screen will be saved as you make those changes.

Time to publish your framework so you can install it:
- Click “Framework Information” tab at the top of page
- Click “Publish”. This will insert this custom framework into the available frameworks to be installed.

Q: Does CompliCyber offer a way to print out reports for the data that is on their users dashboard?

A: Yes, absolutely! Users can print their reports by clicking on “Reporting” -> “Request New Report” -> “Select Framework” -> “PDF or HTML Table” -> “command +P”

Q: What is the Recurrence field for?

A: The Recurrence field indicates how often the control item will need to be revisited. During the revisit of the control item which is red indicating the need to revisit, you may need to update the compliance statement, edit an uploaded document or do nothing. After deciding on the action needed for the control item, you will update the Last Updated field to reset the control item and turn it green.

Q: How do I remove a framework?

A: Removing a framework from your CompliCyber solution will not result in any loss of information you have entered into that framework.
- First click frameworks on the left-hand menu.
- Click Install or Remove under frameworks.
- Look at the top of the page and you will see Installed Frameworks, click on that.
- Either scroll or type into the filter box to find the framework you would like to remove and click the remove button all the way to the right of the framework name. The removed framework should no longer be showing in Installed Frameworks.

Note: If, in the future, you decide to reinstall the removed framework, all mapping and information that was entered will return.

Q: How do I add a framework?

A: CompliCyber has a base frame in which all other frameworks are mapped. This framework can not be removed but other frameworks can be installed through frameworks on the left-hand menu.
- First click frameworks on the left-hand menu.
- Click Install or Remove under frameworks.
- Look at the top of the page and you will see Available Frameworks, click on that.
- Either scroll or type into the filter box to find the framework you would like to install and click the install button all the way to the right of the framework name.
- You will then click on the Installed Framework tab at the top and the framework you installed should show up there.

Note: When viewing the Installed Frameworks you will always see NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and the frameworks you have installed from our list or a custom framework you created.

Q: How do I add users?

A: During the 30 day free trial, you can add as many users as you see fit to accomplish the tasks within the given framework you are working. Once the free trial is over, those users will either be deleted or converted to a paid subscription. To add a user:
- Click Administration on the left-hand menu.
- Click Users.
- Find the “+” button next to the search box and click.
- Add new user info populates on the right where you would fill all info in.
- Pick the Groups you would like to have the user part of.
- You have the option to send email invitation to user.
- Click Save and the user is now a part of the team.

Note: The creator of the account “admin” can not be deleted and shows up as the owner of the account.

Q: What is the Strategy Button for?

A: The strategy button can be switch on/off. When you first visit a control item for the first time the strategy button will be off. Once you determine that your company has a strategy for this control item, click this button and it will turn blue. Turning this button on will engage the Last Updated field to add a date and start this control item recurring on the given Recurrence field.

Q: What is a Compliance Statement?

A: A compliance statement is a detailed explanation of how your company will following a given control item. Entering a compliance statement under the Compliance tab in each control item will say that your company has a Strategy for this control item.

Q: Does CompliCyber offer any events or live webinars demonstrating the features offered on their platform?

A: Yes, we do! We will host webinars monthly for your convenience. Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with all of our webinars that we will have. You can register for any of our events from our LinkedIn page.

Q: When does a control turn yellow?

A: Control items turn yellow based on the recurrence set in each control. Below indicated how many days before a control item turns red, that is indicated yellow.
-Weekly - 3 days
-Monthly - 7 days
-Quarterly - 14 days
-6 Months - 21 days
-Yearly - 30 days